Member Activities and Benefits

Some of the activities we offer include holiday and seasonal events and parties; pop-up keepsake craft workshops for special days like Mother’s Day; and park playdates.

Any member is able to plan adventures like zoo outings, berry picking, mini golf, bowling, ice skating, farm tours, or anything they think would be fun for the group!

We also have adults-only outings that have included visiting local restaurants and wineries; participating in book club; engaging in craft workshops, and more. We also aim to provide member education on topics that matter to parents of young kids, like parenting techniques and strategies for maintaining important relationships.

Finally, our group strives to do work that gives back to and betters the community, like food and supply drives to benefit underserved groups and trash cleanups in common areas.

You can sign up today!

We are always accepting new members.

Membership is open to parents, expectant parents, grandparents, and caregivers of children ages birth through kindergarten. Most members are concentrated in Lorain, Amherst, and Vermilion, but we also have families in Avon, North Ridgeville, and even Sandusky!

To become a member, simply fill out the form below. You will find instructions to pay the prorated amount for the current month. We have an annual membership fee of $25 that is due when you renew in June each year. 

As soon as we receive your payment, you will be added to our private, members only Facebook page where all of our events are posted and where our members communicate and keep in touch with one another. We are excited for your family to join us!